Annual Meeting,
Bylaws, Constitution
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Each year, the VIMHS membership gathers for a public meeting to consider the activities of the organization, to elect board members, and to report on the society’s finances.
Documents from the 2017 AGM
AGM Minutes 2017
Financial Statements March 31, 2017
Documents from the 2016 AGM
AGM Minutes 2016
Financial Statements March 31, 2016
Documents from the 2015 AGM
AGM Minutes 2015
Financial Statement March 31, 2015
Proxy Form 2015
Documents from the 2014 AGM
AGM Minutes 2014
Financial Statements March 31, 2014
Documents from the 2013 AGM
AGM Minutes 2013
Financial Statements March 31, 2013
Documents from the 2012 AGM
AGM Minutes 2012
Financial Statement March 31, 2015
Proxy Form 2012
Bylaws And Constitution
Vancouver Island Mental Health Society’s constitution and bylaws describe how the organization functions, including its membership and governance structures.