People First Radio
People First Radio
Building better: person centred solutions in the housing crisis

If you’re on a low income, and have been living in the same building for years, what happens to you if that building gets torn as part of a new development? It’s a question Brian Doucet has been trying to answer.

Doucet is the Canada Research Chair in Urban Change and Social Inclusion, and an Associate Professor in the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo. Part of his work includes incorporating people’s lived experience of things like demovictions and renovictions into research efforts.

He points to the Whistler Housing Authority, New Westminster’s anti-renoviction bylaw, and Montreal’s Bylaw for a Diverse Metropolis as examples across Canada that offer potential solutions to some of the issues caused by the housing crisis.

People First Radio Producer Joe Pugh met with Doucet at Smile Tiger Coffee Roasters in Kitchener Ontario to discuss these issues and more.

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